Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor


Janice -

I want to make sure you get this notice so you know what tax hikes we're fighting in California – and how you can help.

June 15 is the deadline for passage of California's state and local budgets and here's a list of costly tax hikes politicians are weighing:

Savings Tax creates a new tax to go after your investments and bank accounts.
Income/Payroll Taxes: one proposed tax hike costs $16k per household
Gross Receipts Tax: businesses would be taxed on their transactions, not just their income.
Exit Tax: to punish those that flee the state.
Mileage Tax: 6 cents per mile you drive – or $900 per driver per year.
Utility Tax: based on your income – higher rates if you “earn too much”
Local sales and property tax hikes: we've counted over 100 of those statewide
This blizzard of tax hikes makes passage next year of our California Taxpayer Protection Initiative all the more important! Our lawyers put a “claw-back” provision in the measure to invalidate ANY and ALL of these tax hikes should our measure be approved by the voters in 2024!

We are up against the deep pockets of state and local politicians and their special interest backers. Passing the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative will be a GAME CHANGER to provide you with immediate tax savings – and shield you from the constant tax hike schemes politicians advance every year!

We only get to block these tax hikes and future ones IF WE WIN THE YES VOTE next year - so please contribute whatever you can to this crucial campaign today!


Carl DeMaio
Reform California

Submitted: 06/06/23
Article By: Sierra Booster