Member Referral

Member: Jay Fox Productions

Below is a list of members we do business with and recommend...

Donnie Brown Weddings - Donnie Brown
After having the pleasure of working with Donnie Brown a number of times, I can only say, this man is focused! His attention to detail is what makes him rise above so many.
You had just be ready to bring your "A" game when working with him...he brings the best out in his vendors!!
Bravo Mr. Brown!

Yelibelly Chocolates - Artisan Chocolate Wedding Favors - Yeli Marshall
Yeli, from Yelibelly Chocolates, always has a smile and a pleasant greeting waiting for you! She has more than mastered her craft! To taste just one sample of her self-made chocolates, is to realize your life has changed at that moment. Ever since sampling the first piece, every time I see other chocolates, I think of Yelibelly first. You deserve to improve your taste buds by enjoying the best chocolates on the none!!