Letters to the Editor


“Most Americans do not want a rematch between Biden and Trump. The first party to retire it's 80-year-old candidate is going to be the one who wins this election.”
— Republican Nikki Haley (January 23, 2024)

Haven't most of you had it up to here by now with the ludicrous choices before us in November's presidential election? Israel's butler Biden or traitor twit Trump again?
Then there's always the sure loser independent candidates who will be wasting space on the ballot for no other reason than RFK, Jr. and Jill Stein have nothing better to do with their worthless time than corruptly assist the GOP for monetary profit. Where's Sirhan Sirhan when you need him? Free Palestine!
Democratic voters can head off this potential oncoming train wreck at the pass by immediately implementing necessary measures for the overthrow of Joe Biden's re-election candidacy at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. Speaking of the obvious parallels with 1968, at least LBJ had enough common sense to step aside.
If President Biden not remembering when he was Vice President or how his son Beau died wasn't enough evidence to convince you, how about Biden's latest “gaffe” of a gory nature falsely claiming his uncle was eaten by cannibals during World War II, when Biden's uncle actually drowned in the Pacific Ocean?
And of course during July in Milwaukee the GOP (Greedy Old Perverts) will have their final chance to dump lying loser Donald Trump, the future resident at Club Fed, either before or after prison-bound Don the con becomes a convicted felon. The real question now is: are there any Republicans who still have a spine?
Back to Biden - I can't decide which of our octogenarian President's tall tales are funnier. His uncle being eaten by WWII cannibals or the infamous brawl at the pool with Corn Pop? Kamala Harris for President! (Just saying.)
Jake Pickering

Submitted: 04/22/24
Article By: Sierra Booster