A SECOND READING and adoption of an ordinance to amend sections of Sierra County Code pertaining to salaries and benefits for County Supervisors was discussed at the Sierra County Board of Supervisor’s meeting on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 in Loyalton. County Counsel’s assistant Rhetta stated that if there were any edits to the ordinance it would not be able to be passed until next meeting. Supervisor Scott Schlefstein had an edit in a form of a motion and wanted to increase the salary of the Supervisors from $2,237.40 to $3,227.40 a month beginning December 25, 2014. He stated this would cover the costs that had been cut from the increasing health insurance and the 4% for PERS or $129 would be added on June 25th, 2015. Supervisor Lee Adams said that would be an increase to the General Fund over $51,000 a year, and added with this motion we are treating ourselves differently than we treated our employees. Supervisor Jim Beard seconded the motion, but the motion failed with Supervisors Adams, Peter Huebner, and Chair Paul Roen voting no. Supervisor Huebner then made a motion to the original ordinance which increases the Supervisor’s salary 2% on December 25, 2014 and an additional 2% June 25, 2015 both of which hinge on the Secure Rural Schools reauthorization. Huebner’s motion failed to get a second, so the motion died as well as any increase to the Supervisor’s salaries.


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