What Can I do?
Living in the Sierras has never been easy, but it has always been worth the hardships one endures due to weather, because the residents have an attitude of perseverance and intestinal fortitude - grit and guts. The recent economic down turn has us all tightening our belts - or even selling our belts to try to make ends meet. But who is really feeling the pinch, are those whose circumstances may not have been wonderful to begin with: those on fixed incomes, senior citizens, the disabled. "What can I do?" When a problem is so overwhelming that it seems insurmountable, we often feel that one person's efforts can't possibly make a difference. But it can. Rather than trying change the world, try changing first your own attitude, then the perspective of those around you. Don't think about what you can't do, but of what you can do. Here is a start: - Growing a vegetable garden? Plant an extra row to donate to your local food bank. Or just buy an extra can or jar of something to donate. - Cutting wood? There are senior citizens and disabled folks who would literally cry, they would be so grateful to receive some firewood. - Enjoy gardening? Some senior citizen could use an extra hand in their yard. - Go to Reno on a regular basis anyway? There are folks who must get to regular appointments several days a week. You could drive someone in, drop them off while you do your errands, and pick them up when they are done. - Enjoy learning? You would make the best teacher. There are many places that need volunteers: the Literacy program, Angel Wings, Food Closet, companion program, after school programs - all can be accessed through the Family Resource Center. - Are you a great cook? Or just have that one special dish everyone craves? Share your talents with young people, or shut-ins, or just your neighbors. One person, doing one thing, changes everything. Be that one person, and encourage others to do the same. What you give will come back to you in abundance. And hold on to an attitude of gratitude. Carolyn Widman, Executive Director High Sierras Family Services Sierra County Child Abuse Council


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