Going to the NEXT Level... Are You Ready?

By Richard Scully

*The key requirement in future participation and partnership acceptance, is that those Chambers who want to use these new programs MUST commit to at least 75% member optimization levels in exchange for a new level of technology. 

Why is this required?

It is because the deals will be based on leveraging the "deep" member data you hold in your system to power state-of-the-art applications!  Otherwise many of these truly amazing apps will remain empty while they try to get people to login to them without the ready-to-go Chamber information.  

REMEMBER: He Who Owns the Information wins.

Technology leaders in the mobile space are highly motivated to do deals as long as they can exchange their community apps, for rich and robust information on the communities they agree to tie their technology too.  The Chamber Operating System you have today is being readied to feed these applications automatically once you approve the application(s) and meet the minimum member optimization levels.

In my past life I was in-charge of developing major technology deals on behalf of rather smart technology gurus... In starting Chamber Nation I knew at some point as the network got large enough and member data was loading at a high enough rate we could help our Chamber customers expand way beyond their website.

A VERY IMPORTANT KEY is to be sure that if the member leaves the Chamber of Commerce their data is automatically pulled from whatever application is using it.  If deals are made with applications that are not designed this way, it could in fact become a competitor to the Chamber.  


Example:  I remember a Chamber was doing a deal with the local yellow pages in their area... they called me to setup the feed from their system so they could launch a new online directory.  When I asked the Chamber executive if when the member leaves the Chamber should their member business data come down automatically? They were not sure so they called and checked on this detail and found out that the data would in fact be kept by the yellow page directory. Ultimately this Chamber did not do the deal because the new local yellow page directory would become a direct competitor to the Chamber directory.  


So at this point it is really important for the Chamber to be fully optimized.  Not only for future opportunities, but because it will ensure that people looking online will find your members much more often.  Plus as your numbers improve... the member statements improve... and the member value simply trends up too.  

We have many inexpensive options for this to happen... even just activating your REAL WORK EXPERIENCE module and partner with the local school will help.  We've built an assembly line process into all of the Chamber Nation platforms to make it easy to put entire communities online.


Please contact me directly (Richard Scully - 775-298-1288) when you are ready to discuss ways for us to be sure at least 75% of your membership are PROPERLY optimized for the future application deals.

Customer Update - copy of August 2010 Customer Update

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