Category Specific Advertising is Here!!

We've added this feature to Chamber Organizers, EcTown USA and Reagent Advertisers. Please take some time to check the new feature out and let us know how it goes.

To use the feature:

1. Go to Platinum Ads inside the Banner Ad Manager
2. Find the section called "Top of member directory search results"
3. Click on edit next Primary/Left Banner or Right Banner
4. Click on "Add Banner to this Slot"
5. Add your banner as you normally would and click on "Submit"
6. Select a category in "Add a Business Category" and click "Add". You may repeat the action as many times as you like to add additional categories.
7. Once you have finished adding categories, click on "Next" to finalize your banner.

Your banner will now show up in member directory search results based on a specific category.

Spring 2010 Updates - April 2010 Customer Update

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