Brand New Chamber Nation Services

What Are the New Services? I thought they were FREE?

First of all we are not changing one thing about our Free Members Support program. We will still be happy to setup and optimize their Traffic Catcher System (TCS), provide a free custom domain name and answer all of their questions.

What we are adding to the program is what we call “Chamber Nation Services” that will provide the Chamber with the option to offer a FULL SYSTEM ON-BOARDING PROCESS for only $49.95. Some Chambers may discover that this should just be added to all new membership plans.

Now by including the full setup of their DisplayedRight program (in addition to their TCS services that is always included in our basic services) and a new mobile web application for their business designed to work on all mobile devices and tablets, you may find some really impressed prospective members.

Why will your new members be so impressed? First reason is that the Chamber Nation team will be contacting them to start the project. From our initial interview with them to understand their business they will know right away that their membership includes privileges and access to professionals who really do care about their success and setup.

This investment will assure each and every member is pleased with their membership investment right when they join.

It’s a New Member – Roll out the RED CARPET!

This is the year when Chamber Nation moves from being only a terrific remote support and training center into a full blown Chamber Services Center. Not because we thought we could sell you more, but because our customers need more help to secure new members and increase the value proposition for becoming a member.

During our bi-weekly member classes most are so impressed with the technology provided by their Chambers, but many of them say something like “I have been a member for over two years and never heard anything about these services”, or “I need to setup my business online, but I just don’t have the time” and “I really need a mobile application and I can’t believe it’s available at no cost”.

If we could afford to do the setup of the entire system we would do it, but to do it right, license the photos and spend the necessary time with the member to get everything setup properly takes several hours of work. After considerable time working on the financials we have settled on a one-time price point we think will cover these costs. That price has been set for $49.95 and is affordable enough to offer as an add-on to your membership plans. Of course you make this decision, but the following listed on-boarding program showcases the extreme value of this program.

Best Chamber On-Boarding and Survey Program

Chamber Nation Services will start its member on-boarding process right when we receive your order. 60 days following their on-boarding process we will contact them to complete a 60 day survey. We will be asking questions about the quality of their on-boarding process and they feel currently about their membership value and see if they would like any assistance from the technology team or the Chamber staff. We will provide these findings to you.

We’ve tried to make this a very simple process.  All you have to do to order an on-boarding process by going to and we’ll get started right away.

THIS IS A CRAZY LOW PRICE considering this is a ONE-TIME FEE (not monthly) and the member will receive hours of development time for one low admin fee collected by the Chamber.

Customer Update 2013 - December 2012 Customer Update

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