Colleyville CloseBuy Mobile App
Colleyville CloseBuy. Support Colleyville Business

Save Money. Support Colleyville Businesses. Shop Colleyville, It's CloseBuy! The Colleyville CloseBuy App is the easiest way to keep up with the latest discounts available from Colleyville businesses. With the Colleyville CloseBuy phone app, you can search our database of more than 700 Colleyville businesses and take advantage of local discounts. The program is offered through the City of Colleyville Economic Development as a means to boost the local economy and keep taxes low. The City plans a variety of initiatives through Colleyville CloseBuy to showcase the city's businesses, provide more information on the products and services offered by Colleyville businesses, and promote a greater awareness of the shopping, dining and entertainment options within Colleyville. Cards are available free of charge at Colleyville City Hall. Please visit for more information.

Requires Android 9 or higher.

Requires iOS 8.0 or higher.