KeepItQuerque's OWN Survey!

Our community needs your help!

Many of you deserve a huge thanks for your support and participation in the National Independent Business Survey.  By doing so you added impetus to the "Buy Local" message - from a National perspective.

But "Local" means "Local," and now you can  be instrumental in advising your own neighbors and friends here in the Albuquerque Metro by participating in  a survey that compares what happens when you
Keep It Querque compared with when you buy from a national chain or franchise.

KeepItQuerque - Buy Local (Albuquerque's Independent Business Alliance) has engaged Civic Economics to survey our very own Albuquerque MSA on the value of spending money with businesses owned by your neighbors versus a national chain store.

Read more and see if you can help
KeepItQuerque News - KeepItQuerque's OWN Survey!

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