Like an Iceberg, Most of Our Work is Below the Surface

Like an Iceberg, Most of Our Work is Below the Surface

By the end of 2016, more than 100 Independent Business Alliances will be helping local entrepreneurs prosper across the continent while advancing citizens' ability to control the destiny of their own communities. The huge impact these Alliances are making is only hinted at by the consumer shifts illustrated by the graph above. And with your year-end gift to AMIBA, this will be only the beginning!

AMIBA affiliates also are shifting culture and, in many cases, policies that have favored absentee-ownership, distant corporations and sprawl at the expense of local entrepreneurs and healthy communities. While our readers see mostly our articles and graphics, a big portion of AMIBA's work is helping community-based organizations succeed through constantly developing helpful tools and templates, while providing an ever-present source for counseling and networking.

Whether you most value this movement-building work behind the scenes or the information, tools and support we provide freely to you and thousands of others, please step up to make a tax-deductible gift today. Even modest donations go a long way with our small but stunningly efficient staff!


Help us reach new generations who influence their parents today and will be tomorrow’s champions!

Your gift will allow us to continue helping business owners, citizens, and others create more vibrant, just and durable local economies while expanding opportunities for new entrepreneurs. We can´t succeed without you!

In addition to the community-based work we support, we work toward transforming an economic and political system that has become stacked in favor of giant corporations, to the detriment of against the interests of small businesses, communities and average citizens.

Organizations come and go regularly purporting to represent small business, but are little more than front groups advancing other agendas. But AMIBA has a genuine, broad grassroots base (26,000 & growing) and credibility than can’t be gained any way other than through hard, sustained work. It’s time to activate that grassroots support to change not only communities, but our country.

With you as a partner, AMIBA can take a prominent role in influencing national debate and media in 2016 as we challenge the organizations that help consolidate corporate dominance at the expense of entrepreneurs and communities.

AMIBA has laid a foundation to play a major role in sparking this transformation. What we do works! But to succeed we need your help today.



Please make a tax-deductible gift today to help keep local successes growing while building our capacity to start shifting culture and policy nationally. Thank you again for your generous support, which already has helped countless communities and built a solid foundation for future progress.

Business Owners and Partnership Coordinators
If you wish to contribute through a business, consider joining as a business member. Note that any contribution of $500 or more entitles you to a premium business membership with added benefits (not tax-deductible as a charitable donation). Larger businesses may wish to review current sponsor opportunities.

AMIBA is a 501c3 (PDF) non-profit organization. Tax ID # 84-1602447. Contributions are fully tax-deductible.

Thank you!

Jeff Milchen, Jennifer Rockne, Co-Directors, on behalf of all AMIBA staff and volunteers

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