
Alex Paramo

The Holiday Market will host a wide variety of talented local artisans and growers, along
with a lively blend of musical performances and activities for kids. “Our theme for the
Holiday Market is local shopping to benefit your community” stated Alaska Prism, RYM
Coordinator. At this Market, you will be able to find a unique gift for everyone on your
list and feel good that your money is staying in the community.

In the spirit of giving, the Holiday Market will house a Giving Train to collect bikes, books,
coats and non-perishable food to benefit the community. Folks are encouraged to bring
their donations to the Market that day. Collected goods will be distributed through
Barelas Community Coalition (BCC), the fiscal sponsor of the Rail Yards Market.

This Market will be the first of joint efforts between the two Downtown Markets,
demonstrating that community is stronger together.
“Throughout the summer, both
markets have been committed to building a resilient, sustainable local economy that we
all love to work and play in. Through food, art, and music, we have brought our
community together in an atmosphere of fun, learning, and creativity. Our markets
combining efforts is a totally natural progression” stated Gina Meyers, Coordinator of the
The collaborative organizing team invites everyone to come down and support what they
hope will be an ‘amazing celebration of local talent, community-building, and the spirit of
KeepItQuerque! - Local Gratitude!

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