Gaining Momentum on KIVA's Small Business Saturdays

Listen in this Saturday at 11:30 to a conversation with Chet Hines of the Amish Connection and Mark Santiago of Burt & Company; along with the latest news and information about the growing "Buy Local" movement we're hoping Chet and Mark will share some "insider secrets!"

Would you like to talk about why "local" is important to you, your customers and our economy?  Each week Clifton Chadwick will be talking with KeepItQuerque members on how we can all KeepItQuerque -buy local.

If you'd like to join the KeepItQuerque conversation send us a message on KeepItQuerque's Facebook page - we look forward to talking with every one of our members and continuing to spread the message; KeepItQuerque - buy local!
KeepItQuerque! - Free Radio, Discounted Advertising and Board nominations!

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